My husband is amazing. I hope he doesn't mind me writing about this, but I am very proud.
Back in May, he got some unfortunate news from his doctor. Basically, if he wanted to stick around for his family to see his kids grow up and avoid some nasty medications, he needed to change his lifestyle. Apparently, this man really loves his family. <3
He change his diet, from red meat every day to mainly vegetables and occasionally some salmon. He started exercising, daily for an hour. He lost 60 lbs in about 4 months. His thoughts: you can't just do it halfway, you need to go all out.
Many people would ask him if everything was ok. I guess losing that much weight in so little time makes you start looking "sickly" and for a while he was wearing his same clothes so it was much more noticeable. He does feel very self-conscious about this stuff, but he looks fantastic. He hasn't been this size and this energetic since when I met him 12 years ago. Yes, I realize that there may be a connection between myself and the weight gain. Also keep in mind, he turned a legal age soon after meeting me. Beer has lots of calories, well the fancy, imported ones that he used to enjoy.
Well, it's been hard supporting him: eating veggies just does not sound appetizing this pregnancy, and being alone at home to cook and watch a toddler is exhausting when he leaves to workout. But it's all for the best, and now it's actually easier. His workouts have shortened as they are more efficient, and he even does a lot of cooking! We've been experimenting with not-so-veggie, vegetarian options. He just wonders why we didn't do this sooner. I believe his phrase is, "Why couldn't we have eaten like this when I started my diet?"

No beef, beef tofu adapted from JC International
1 C SuperSoy Beef Style Strips
1 package Onion soup (from Lipton's Onion Soup mix), prepared
1/2 Block Tofu, firm
1/2 Round Onion, cut in 1” pieces
1 Bunch Green Onions, cut in 1” pieces
1 Bunch Watercress, cut in 1” pieces
2 TBS Sesame Oil
3 TBS Soy Sauce
2 TBS Mirin
Ground Pepper
Bring 1 C prepared onion soup to a boil in pot and reconstitute soy beef strips in it until liquid disappears. When liquid disappears, remove from heat immediately and cool.
Cut tofu in cubes and fry lightly in a large skillet.
In a separate pot, simmer remaining prepared onion soup with sesame oil, soy sauce, mirin, pepper. Add soy beef strips and tofu. Continue to simmer. Add green onions, and watercress. Simmer for additional 5-10 minutes or until onions become clear.
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