Sunday, October 30, 2011

Another post about fabric

This is my 100th post!  In the past 7 months, I've posted that many times?  Not bad!

No, I'm not trying to spread out my posts.  Well, not really.  I drafted the previous post in the middle of September, and like I said, I had a bunch waiting to be published.  I received these in a separate shipment and only got around to snapping a few pics the other night.  I really should consider using an actual camera instead of my phone.  I should probably use better lighting, too.  I might even want to compose the shots better.  To tell you the truth? Not going to happen.

Anyway, so on the shopping spree, I picked up a couple more things:

Anna Maria Horner - Innocent Crush, Mixed Signals in Fresh - Yardage
Robert Kaufman - Kona Cotton, Aqua 1005 - Yardage
Joel Dewberry - Heirloom, Sky - Fat Quarter Bundle

Sarah Jane - Children at Play, Balloons - Fat Quarter Bundle

Michael Miller - Camouflage, Gray - Yardage
Premier Prints - Wild Candy, Pink - Yardage

I grabbed the bundles because of the variety in prints.  As I mentioned, for Christmas, there will be a bit of crafting.  I needed this spree.  If you saw my collection before, it was pitiful.  Now I have something to work with!

I took a few minutes (don't worry, I didn't waste too much time) to match up coordinates for the gifts I'm making.  I realized I wouldn't be using a lot of the Heirloom bundle.  I don't want to insult anyone, but it's just a little too old for me sophisticated.  I even tried to imagine using it for Ella.  That's way to grown up, I need to keep her in Children at Play as long as possible, maybe even throw her a Just Stay Little themed party.

I considered hosting a giveaway on my page.  But I have like 2 followers (according to Blogger, if you have me in your Reader, speak up!).  And one of them is ineligible (as if my husband wants to win my fabric?).  So I decided to share my stash with my quilty crafty, co-workers, instead.  If in the future I have more followers or maybe even some interest, I would do a giveaway.  If it's only from a pool of 2 or 3 entries?  That's some awesome odds of winning!

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